Source code for kwplot.mpl_core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extensions of pyplot functionality. Main improvements are

* :func:`kwplot.mpl_core.figure` can be called with a specific figure number, plot number, and other attributes like if it needs to be cleared or not.

* :func:`kwplot.mpl_core.imshow` uses simpler defaults for showing image data. Extra normalization is only added if requested.

* :func:`kwplot.mpl_core.close_figures` This function closes all open figures, which can be helpful in interactive sessions.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import six
import ubelt as ub

_BASE_FNUM = 9001

[docs]def next_fnum(new_base=None): global _BASE_FNUM if new_base is not None: _BASE_FNUM = new_base _BASE_FNUM += 1 return _BASE_FNUM
[docs]def ensure_fnum(fnum): if fnum is None: return next_fnum() return fnum
# import xdev # NOQA # @xdev.profile # NOQA
[docs]def figure(fnum=None, pnum=(1, 1, 1), title=None, figtitle=None, doclf=False, docla=False, projection=None, **kwargs): """ Args: fnum (int): fignum = figure number pnum (int, str, or tuple(int, int, int)): plotnum = plot tuple title (str): (default = None) figtitle (None): (default = None) docla (bool): (default = False) doclf (bool): (default = False) Returns: mpl.figure.Figure: fig Example: >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fnum = 1 >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 1)) >>> fig.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax1", va="center", ha="center") >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 2)) >>> fig.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax2", va="center", ha="center") >>> show_if_requested() Example: >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fnum = 1 >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 1)) >>> fig.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax1", va="center", ha="center") >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 2)) >>> fig.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax2", va="center", ha="center") >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 4, (1, slice(1, None)))) >>> fig.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax3", va="center", ha="center") >>> show_if_requested() """ fig = _ensure_fig(fnum) if doclf: fig.clf() if pnum is not None: _setup_subfigure(fig, pnum, docla, projection) # Set the title / figtitle if title is not None: ax = fig.gca() ax.set_title(title) if figtitle is not None: fig.suptitle(figtitle) return fig
def _ensure_fig(fnum): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fnum is None: try: fig = plt.gcf() except Exception: fig = plt.figure() else: try: fig = plt.figure(fnum) except Exception: fig = plt.gcf() return fig def _convert_pnum_int_to_tup(int_pnum): # Convert pnum to tuple format if in integer format nr = int_pnum // 100 nc = int_pnum // 10 - (nr * 10) px = int_pnum - (nr * 100) - (nc * 10) pnum = (nr, nc, px) return pnum def _pnum_to_subspec(pnum): import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec if isinstance(pnum, six.string_types): pnum = list(pnum) nrow, ncols, plotnum = pnum # if kwargs.get('use_gridspec', True): # Convert old pnums to gridspec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrow, ncols) if isinstance(plotnum, (tuple, slice, list)): subspec = gs[plotnum] else: subspec = gs[plotnum - 1] return (subspec,) def _setup_subfigure(fig, pnum, docla, projection): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(pnum, int): pnum = _convert_pnum_int_to_tup(pnum) axes_list = fig.get_axes() if docla or len(axes_list) == 0: if pnum is not None: assert pnum[0] > 0, 'nRows must be > 0: pnum=%r' % (pnum,) assert pnum[1] > 0, 'nCols must be > 0: pnum=%r' % (pnum,) subspec = _pnum_to_subspec(pnum) ax = fig.add_subplot(*subspec, projection=projection) if len(axes_list) > 0: ax.cla() else: ax = fig.gca() else: if pnum is not None: subspec = _pnum_to_subspec(pnum) ax = plt.subplot(*subspec) else: ax = fig.gca() _LEGEND_LOCATION = { 'upper right': 1, 'upper left': 2, 'lower left': 3, 'lower right': 4, 'right': 5, 'center left': 6, 'center right': 7, 'lower center': 8, 'upper center': 9, 'center': 10, }
[docs]def legend(loc='best', fontproperties=None, size=None, fc='w', alpha=1, ax=None, handles=None): r""" Args: loc (str): (default = 'best') one of 'best', 'upper right', 'upper left', 'lower left', 'lower right', 'right', 'center left', 'center right', 'lower center', or 'upper center'. fontproperties (None): (default = None) size (None): (default = None) Ignore: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> autompl() >>> loc = 'best' >>> xdata = np.linspace(-6, 6) >>> ydata = np.sin(xdata) >>> plt.plot(xdata, ydata, label='sin') >>> fontproperties = None >>> size = None >>> result = legend(loc, fontproperties, size) >>> print(result) >>> show_if_requested() """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt assert loc in _LEGEND_LOCATION or loc == 'best', ( 'invalid loc. try one of %r' % (_LEGEND_LOCATION,)) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if fontproperties is None: prop = {} if size is not None: prop['size'] = size # prop['weight'] = 'normal' # prop['family'] = 'sans-serif' else: prop = fontproperties legendkw = dict(loc=loc) if prop: legendkw['prop'] = prop if handles is not None: legendkw['handles'] = handles legend = ax.legend(**legendkw) if legend: legend.get_frame().set_fc(fc) legend.get_frame().set_alpha(alpha)
[docs]def show_if_requested(N=1): """ Used at the end of tests. Handles command line arguments for saving figures Referencse: """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Process figures adjustments from command line before a show or a save save_parts = ub.argflag('--saveparts') fpath_ = ub.argval('--save', default=None) if fpath_ is None: fpath_ = ub.argval('--saveparts', default=None) if fpath_ is not None: save_parts = True if save_parts: raise NotImplementedError if fpath_ is not None: raise NotImplementedError if ub.argflag('--show'):
[docs]def imshow(img, fnum=None, pnum=None, xlabel=None, title=None, figtitle=None, ax=None, norm=None, cmap=None, data_colorbar=False, colorspace='rgb', interpolation='nearest', alpha=None, show_ticks=False, **kwargs): r""" Args: img (ndarray): image data. Height, Width, and Channel dimensions can either be in standard (H, W, C) format or in (C, H, W) format. If C in [3, 4], we assume data is in the rgb / rgba colorspace by default. colorspace (str): if the data is 3-4 channels, this indicates the colorspace 1 channel data is assumed grayscale. 4 channels assumes alpha. interpolation (str): either nearest (default), bicubic, bilinear norm (bool): if True, normalizes the image intensities to fit in a colormap. cmap (mpl.colors.Colormap | None): color map used if data is not starndard image data data_colorbar (bool): if True, displays a color scale indicating how colors map to image intensities. fnum (int | None): figure number pnum (tuple | None): plot number xlabel (str | None): sets the label for the x axis title (str | None): set axes title (if ax is not given) figtitle (str | None): set figure title (if ax is not given) ax (mpl.axes.Axes | None): axes to draw on (alternative to fnum and pnum) **kwargs: docla, doclf, projection Returns: tuple: (fig, ax) Ignore: >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> import kwimage >>> img = kwimage.grab_test_image('carl') >>> (fig, ax) = imshow(img) >>> result = ('(fig, ax) = %s' % (str((fig, ax)),)) >>> print(result) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is not None: fig = ax.figure nospecial = True else: fig = figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, title=title, figtitle=figtitle, **kwargs) ax = fig.gca() nospecial = False if isinstance(img, six.string_types): # Allow for path to image to be specified img_fpath = img import kwimage img = kwimage.imread(img_fpath) valid_interpolation_choices = ['nearest', 'bicubic', 'bilinear'] if interpolation not in valid_interpolation_choices: raise KeyError( 'Invalid interpolation choice {}. Can be {}'.format( interpolation, valid_interpolation_choices)) plt_imshow_kwargs = { 'interpolation': interpolation, } if alpha is not None: plt_imshow_kwargs['alpha'] = alpha if norm is not None: if norm is True: norm = 'linear' if isinstance(norm, six.string_types): norm_choices = { 'linear': mpl.colors.Normalize, 'log': mpl.colors.LogNorm, } try: norm = norm_choices[norm]() except KeyError: raise KeyError('norm={} not in valid choices: {}'.format( norm, list(norm_choices) )) if not isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.Normalize): raise TypeError('norm={} must be an instance of {} or in {}'.format( norm, mpl.colors.Normalize, list(norm_choices))) plt_imshow_kwargs['norm'] = norm else: if cmap is None and not nospecial: plt_imshow_kwargs['vmin'] = 0 if img.dtype.kind == 'u': plt_imshow_kwargs['vmax'] = 255 else: plt_imshow_kwargs['vmax'] = 1.0 # Handle tensor chw format in most cases try: if 'torch' in img.__module__: img = img.cpu().data.numpy() except Exception: pass if img.ndim == 3: if img.shape[0] == 3 or img.shape[0] == 1: if img.shape[2] > 4: # probably in chw format img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0) try: if len(img.shape) == 3 and (img.shape[2] == 3 or img.shape[2] == 4): # img is in a color format dst_space = 'rgb' import kwimage imgRGB = kwimage.convert_colorspace(img, src_space=colorspace, dst_space=dst_space, implicit=True) if not norm: if imgRGB.dtype.kind == 'f': maxval = imgRGB.max() if maxval > 1.01 and maxval < 256: imgRGB = np.array(imgRGB, dtype=np.uint8) cs = ax.imshow(imgRGB, **plt_imshow_kwargs) elif len(img.shape) == 2 or (len(img.shape) == 3 and img.shape[2] == 1): # img is in grayscale if len(img.shape) == 3: imgGRAY = img.reshape(img.shape[0:2]) else: imgGRAY = img if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap('gray') if isinstance(cmap, six.string_types): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) # for some reason gray floats aren't working right # if not norm: # if imgGRAY.max() <= 1.01 and imgGRAY.min() >= -1E-9: # imgGRAY = (imgGRAY * 255).astype(np.uint8) cs = ax.imshow(imgGRAY, cmap=cmap, **plt_imshow_kwargs) else: raise AssertionError( 'Unknown image format. ' 'img.dtype={!r}, img.shape={!r}'.format( img.dtype, img.shape) ) except TypeError as te: print('[imshow] imshow ERROR %r' % (te,)) raise except Exception as ex: print('!!! WARNING !!!') print('[imshow] type(img) = %r' % type(img)) if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray): print('!!! ERRROR !!!') pass print('[imshow] img.dtype = %r' % (img.dtype,)) print('[imshow] type(img) = %r' % (type(img),)) print('[imshow] img.shape = %r' % (img.shape,)) print('[imshow] imshow ERROR %r' % ex) raise if not show_ticks: ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if data_colorbar: # Use the axes to supply the colorbar info # Does this mean we can depricate `colorbar`? cbar = fig.colorbar(cs) if isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.LogNorm): # References: # # <- Why? See refs cbar.set_ticks( img.min(), img.max())) # scores = np.unique(img.flatten()) # if cmap is None: # cmap = 'hot' # colors = scores_to_color(scores, cmap) # colorbar(scores, colors) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if figtitle is not None: set_figtitle(figtitle) return fig, ax
[docs]def set_figtitle(figtitle, subtitle='', forcefignum=True, incanvas=True, size=None, fontfamily=None, fontweight=None, fig=None): r""" A wrapper around subtitle that also sets the canvas window title if using a Qt backend. Args: figtitle (str): subtitle (str): forcefignum (bool): (default = True) incanvas (bool): (default = True) fontfamily (None): (default = None) fontweight (None): (default = None) size (None): (default = None) fig (None): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m kwplot.mpl_core set_figtitle --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> autompl() >>> fig = figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> result = set_figtitle(figtitle='figtitle', fig=fig) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> show_if_requested() """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if figtitle is None: figtitle = '' if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() figtitle = ub.ensure_unicode(figtitle) subtitle = ub.ensure_unicode(subtitle) if incanvas: if subtitle != '': subtitle = '\n' + subtitle prop = { 'family': fontfamily, 'weight': fontweight, 'size': size, } prop = {k: v for k, v in prop.items() if v is not None} sup = fig.suptitle(figtitle + subtitle) if prop: fontproperties = sup.get_fontproperties().copy() for key, val in prop.items(): getattr(fontproperties, 'set_' + key)(val) sup.set_fontproperties(fontproperties) # fontproperties = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(**prop) else: fig.suptitle('') # Set title in the window window_figtitle = ('fig(%d) ' % fig.number) + figtitle window_figtitle = window_figtitle.replace('\n', ' ') fig.canvas.set_window_title(window_figtitle)
[docs]def distinct_markers(num, style='astrisk', total=None, offset=0): """ Creates distinct marker codes (as best as possible) Args: num (int): number of markers to make style (str): mplt style code total (int): alternative to num offset (float): angle offset Returns: List[Tuple]: marker codes Example: >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> style = 'astrisk' >>> marker_list = kwplot.distinct_markers(10, style) >>> print('marker_list = {}'.format(ub.repr2(marker_list, nl=1))) >>> x_data = np.arange(0, 3) >>> for count, (marker) in enumerate(marker_list): >>> plt.plot(x_data, [count] * len(x_data), marker=marker, markersize=10, linestyle='', label=str(marker)) >>> plt.legend() >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ num_sides = 3 style_num = { 'astrisk': 2, 'star': 1, 'polygon': 0, 'circle': 3 }[style] if total is None: total = num total_degrees = 360.0 / num_sides angles = [total_degrees * (count + offset) / total for count in range(num)] marker_list = [(num_sides, style_num, angle) for angle in angles] return marker_list
[docs]def distinct_colors(N, brightness=.878, randomize=True, hue_range=(0.0, 1.0), cmap_seed=None): r""" Args: N (int): brightness (float): Returns: list: RGB_tuples TODO: - [ ] This is VERY old code that needs massive cleanup. CommandLine: python -m color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 2 --show --hue-range=0.05,.95 python -m color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 3 --show --hue-range=0.05,.95 python -m color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 4 --show --hue-range=0.05,.95 python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 3 --show --no-randomize python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 4 --show --no-randomize python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 6 --show --no-randomize python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 20 --show References: CommandLine: python -m .color_funcs --exec-distinct_colors --show python -m .color_funcs --exec-distinct_colors --show --no-randomize --N 50 python -m .color_funcs --exec-distinct_colors --show --cmap_seed=foobar Ignore: >>> # build test data >>> autompl() >>> N = ub.smartcast(ub.get_argval('--N', default=2), int) # FIXME >>> randomize = not ub.argflag('--no-randomize') >>> brightness = 0.878 >>> # execute function >>> cmap_seed = ub.get_argval('--cmap_seed', default=None) >>> hue_range = ub.smartcast(ub.get_argval('--hue-range', default=(0.00, 1.0)), list) #FIXME >>> RGB_tuples = distinct_colors(N, brightness, randomize, hue_range, cmap_seed=cmap_seed) >>> # verify results >>> assert len(RGB_tuples) == N >>> result = str(RGB_tuples) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> color_list = RGB_tuples >>> testshow_colors(color_list) >>> show_if_requested() """ # TODO: Add sin wave modulation to the sat and value # HACK for white figures from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import colorsys remove_yellow = True use_jet = False if use_jet: cmap = RGB_tuples = list(map(tuple, cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, N)))) elif cmap_seed is not None: # Randomized map based on a seed #cmap_ = 'Set1' #cmap_ = 'Dark2' choices = [ #'Set1', 'Dark2', 'jet', #'gist_rainbow', #'rainbow', #'gnuplot', #'Accent' ] cmap_hack = ub.argval('--cmap-hack', default=None) ncolor_hack = ub.argval('--ncolor-hack', default=None) if cmap_hack is not None: choices = [cmap_hack] if ncolor_hack is not None: N = int(ncolor_hack) N_ = N seed = sum(list(map(ord, ub.hash_data(cmap_seed)))) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed + 48930) cmap_str = rng.choice(choices, 1)[0] #print('cmap_str = %r' % (cmap_str,)) cmap = #.hashstr27(cmap_seed) #cmap_seed = 0 #pass jitter = (rng.randn(N) / (rng.randn(100).max() / 2)).clip(-1, 1) * ((1 / (N ** 2))) range_ = np.linspace(0, 1, N, endpoint=False) #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) range_ = range_ + jitter #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) while not (np.all(range_ >= 0) and np.all(range_ <= 1)): range_[range_ < 0] = np.abs(range_[range_ < 0] ) range_[range_ > 1] = 2 - range_[range_ > 1] #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) shift = rng.rand() range_ = (range_ + shift) % 1 #print('jitter = %r' % (jitter,)) #print('shift = %r' % (shift,)) #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) if ncolor_hack is not None: range_ = range_[0:N_] RGB_tuples = list(map(tuple, cmap(range_))) else: sat = brightness val = brightness hmin, hmax = hue_range if remove_yellow: hue_skips = [(.13, .24)] else: hue_skips = [] hue_skip_ranges = [_[1] - _[0] for _ in hue_skips] total_skip = sum(hue_skip_ranges) hmax_ = hmax - total_skip hue_list = np.linspace(hmin, hmax_, N, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float) # Remove colors (like hard to see yellows) in specified ranges for skip, range_ in zip(hue_skips, hue_skip_ranges): hue_list = [hue if hue <= skip[0] else hue + range_ for hue in hue_list] HSV_tuples = [(hue, sat, val) for hue in hue_list] RGB_tuples = [colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x) for x in HSV_tuples] if randomize: import kwarray rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng=0) rng.shuffle(RGB_tuples) return RGB_tuples
[docs]def phantom_legend(label_to_color, mode='line', ax=None, legend_id=None, loc=0): """ Creates a legend on an axis based on a label-to-color map. Args: label_to_color (Dict[str, kwimage.Color]): mapping from string label to the color. TODO: - [ ] More docs and ensure this exists in the right place """ import kwplot import kwimage import ubelt as ub plt = kwplot.autoplt() if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() _phantom_legends = getattr(ax, '_phantom_legends', None) if _phantom_legends is None: _phantom_legends = ax._phantom_legends = ub.ddict(dict) phantom = _phantom_legends[legend_id] handles = phantom['handles'] = [] handles.clear() alpha = 1.0 for label, color in label_to_color.items(): color = kwimage.Color(color).as01() if mode == 'line': phantom_actor = plt.Line2D( (0, 0), (1, 1), color=color, label=label, alpha=alpha) elif mode == 'circle': phantom_actor = plt.Circle( (0, 0), 1, fc=color, label=label, alpha=alpha) else: raise KeyError handles.append(phantom_actor) legend_artist = ax.legend(handles=handles, loc=loc) phantom['artist'] = legend_artist # Re-add other legends for _phantom in _phantom_legends.values(): artist = _phantom['artist'] if artist is not legend_artist: ax.add_artist(artist)
[docs]def close_figures(figures=None): """ Close specified figures. If no figures are specified, close all figure. Args: figures (List[mpl.figure.Figure]): list of figures to close """ if figures is None: figures = all_figures() for fig in figures: # TODO: make work for more than QT try: qwin = fig.canvas.manager.window except AttributeError: qwin = fig.canvas.window() qwin.close()
[docs]def all_figures(): """ Return a list of all open figures Returns: List[mpl.figure.Figure]: list of all figures """ import matplotlib as mpl manager_list = mpl._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers() all_figures = [] # Make sure you dont show figures that this module closed for manager in manager_list: try: fig = manager.canvas.figure except AttributeError: continue all_figures.append(fig) # Return all the figures sorted by their number all_figures = sorted(all_figures, key=lambda fig: fig.number) return all_figures